President’s Bulletin 8th April 2020


The unfortunate events of the last few months need no explanation and we live in uncertain times.

The effects of the Coronavirus outbreak have resulted in a major upheaval in the legal system which will not only affect the industry in the short term but will undoubtably change the legal system for the next few years. All persons employed within the legal sector are part of the fight and I hope to see that our local law firms (many of them long time established practices in the community) come out the other side in the best possible shape with jobs protected and clients reassured.

In all honesty I feel that the media (and those in the legal industry) have said everything that you can on the subject so I will not attempt to repeat what has been reported. I only hope that in the coming months there will be a greater level of certainty and transparency from the powers that be for all to return to some level of normality.

Prior to the current situation we were fortunate to conclude the Derby City Schools Debating Competition on 4th March 2020 at the University of Derby Law School. The debate was very well contested, and the quality of the student representation continues to improve year on year. This year’s champions were Chellaston School with their final participant’s very impassioned speech carrying the day. My thanks go to all involved, especially our own administrator Julia Saunders who has created an annual event which is very popular with those that take part. 

Due to the current circumstances I have very little to report other than most of the events in the last few months I was due to attend have all been cancelled, specifically the law society dinners for Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Northamptonshire. Additionally, the University of Derby Law School Skills Triathlon was a casualty of the current circumstances and I hope to attend again in the future as it is a very worthwhile event for both students and trainee solicitors.

The D&DLS Law Society Dinner scheduled for the end of April has also been a victim and it is hoped that the event can be rescheduled for later in the year. If the event can proceed, it would be great to see as many of you as possible as I hope it can be combined as a celebration of the legal industry and the country in recovery. 

Finally, I would also like to welcome DG Legal as a new patron of the Society for the coming year. DG Legal specialise in strategic and compliance based services throughout England and Wales I hope that you will look forward to reading their monthly articles.

Please take care in the coming months and I hope to see you all very soon.

“When it is dark enough, you can see the stars…” Charles A. Beard

Martin I. Salt