President’s Bulletin 16th October 2019


We are rapidly heading towards the end of the year and the Christmas season is almost upon us. In the meantime we still wait for news as to how this country will leave the E.U. on October 31st 2019 – possibly…  

Brexit will represent the largest change to the UK’s legal framework for some time, especially with regards to lawyers who practice across the E.U. The Law Society has provided some guidance on their website for firms and offer a detailed level of support.

I attended the Derbyshire High Sheriff’s Legal Service at Derby Cathedral on Sunday 14th October 2019. The role of the High Sheriff dates back over 1000 years and the service is one of thanksgiving for our freedoms under the law. It was a privilege to be invited and to take part in the procession of judges, judges of the peace and other legal and non-legal dignitaries into the Cathedral for the service, especially as I was quite close to the front! Usually the procession begins at Derby Library and the participants walk past the Magistrates Court up to the Cathedral. Unfortunately this year the rain was most persistent and prevented a long procession. Instead the procession commenced from the Derby Cathedral Cafe, and even with the weather, a reasonable sized crowd were in attendance to see the event. Also in attendance were students from the University of Derby with Sue Jennings and hopefully as they progress through their careers in law they will see the tradition of the Derbyshire High Sheriff’s Legal Service continue for many years to come.

As always the event was meticulously organised and my thanks go to Andrew Cochrane, a former president of the Derby Law Society, and the current Under Sheriff of Derbyshire and Deputy Lieutenant of Derbyshire for the invitation. Our Vice-President Julie Skill was also in attendance and will next year be stood at the front of procession, something which I am sure she and the following presidents will also enjoy.

On November 14th 2019 at the Derbyshire County Cricket Ground’s Gateway Centre is the Derby & District Law Society Annual Quiz, sponsored by Severn Trent, eagerly anticipated with the usual intense fight for the Quiz Challenge Trophy. The event starts at 6.30pm and is always a good evening’s entertainment and I hope to see you there.

Additionally, with Christmas fast approaching there are a number of events coming up which include the DJL Christmas Party Night taking place on Saturday 7th December at Jury’s Inn, Derby.

Also coming up in the New Year is the now annual E4E Debating Competition for local schools which is run by our very own administrator Julia Saunders and has been a huge success. As always the event is run by volunteers and anyone wishing to attend or potentially help with judging should contact Julia.

In the meantime, thank you for your continued support of the Society and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.