Editorial Bulletin June 2020

Editorial Bulletin June 2020
Julia Saunders

Strange how March seemed to last six months but since then time has flown by. I assure you that is not entirely as a result of my already sizeable gin habit increasing further. Instead of an 18 year old who should have been doing all those amazing leavers things at the end of his school life I have a young man working nights at Amazon and a 14 year old who I still can’t extricate from the Play Station. Thank goodness for the lovely weather in May and someone please re-instate the sunshine!

This edition is full of hope and help as we emerge from lock-down. The local profession has managed to pull together at this strange time and I continue to send information round which might assist firms. As ever if there is anything you want me to circulate please e-mail it through to me.

The Family, Crime and Civil Sub-committees have been in constant touch with the Courts. Thank you to Fiona, Nick and Oliver for co-ordinating this essential contact.

The subject of the Annual Dinner is under constant review but I am afraid given the size of the event it looks likely that it will be put back to next April. You will read in the President’s piece that he has agreed to stand for another year with all other officers of DDLS doing likewise. Congratulations Martin – your term will at least be a memorable and let’s hope unique one!

Burton Magistrates Court is up for auction at the end of June – I am putting together a brief history on the building with some photos and narrative. If anyone has anything to add please e-mail it through to me. Although I have dis-abused John Calladine of his romantic notion of a DDLS archive (was Peter’s study now my attic) he has made the excellent suggestion of keeping historical records of the Derby and District legal scene over the years. Again, if anyone has anything to contribute please let me have it and I will start an electronic archive. Thanks to Andy Cash and his Back to the Future articles we already have an great starting point.

Stay safe everyone.

Julia Saunders


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