Editorial Bulletin February 2020

Editorial Bulletin February 2020

Lots happening in DDLS at the moment as we tire of the incessant rains and storms and just do the great British thing and carry on regardless.

Julia larger image
Julia Saunders

The re-arranged Quiz was a sell out. A personal thank you to Sue Woodall and her wonderful team who set the quiz. They will return this Autumn and have taken on board the feedback that some of the questions were a “bit tough!” Adjustments for next year will be made accordingly.

The Annual Dinner is at Pride Park on Friday 24th April. Please contact me for details of how to secure your place. I have e-mailed the nomination forms for one of the awards. Please let me have those entries by the 27th March.

The heats of the debates are concluded with the semi-finals to take place after school half term and the Final on the 4th March at 4pm at Derby University Law School. Please come along to watch. You will be pleased and surprised by the quality of our 14/15 year old contestants.

Also on the 4th March, starting at 4.30pm at the Law School, will be an event jointly hosted by ourselves and the University to deliver information on the SQE – Solicitors Qualifying Exam. Paul Carter, Policy Manager from the SRA  – Education and Assessment has agreed to attend.

The Legal Skills Triathlon takes place on the 18th March (again at the Law School). Forms for entrants have been sent out, please forward these to your young lawyers and encourage/ support them to take part. It is a hugely rewarding experience and the prize money is very generous.

Please read the Council’s members report on p12 of this Bulletin and respond to his plea for feedback on “My Law Society” We are lucky to have such an enthusiastic Council Member but remember that he represents your views on Council so please interact!!

The response I received when I sent round the sad news of Stephen Savage’s passing was huge. A true sign of our sense of community as a legal profession in the area. Stephen allowed me to drive his beloved Ford Capri when I was but a mere articled clerk at Flints in the 1990’s and was an ever patient golf partner at the DDLS golf days. I know I am joined by you all in saying he will be sadly missed.

Julia Saunders


01283 734989