Editorial Bulletin August 2020

I am deliberately writing this the day before the A-level results are released. After years and years of hard work my 18 year old will find out the results of the exams he never sat and which are the subject of much outcry even before they go public. Seriously as if times were not hard enough! At least my period of quarantine is now over. Thank goodness for working from home and supermarket deliveries.

Editorial Bulletin August 2020

Please keep checking the website (www.derbylaw.net) for updates on forthcoming events – or not as the case may be.  We still plan to run the Derby City Schools debate competition, because although it officially starts in September the debates themselves don’t take place until after Christmas. Obviously we will monitor government advice and work with the schools and the University and the event will only go ahead if it is safe to do so.

The Annual Dinner has been pushed back to next Spring with the date of 23rd April 2021 being pencilled in. The Past Presidents Dinner is still planned to proceed on 8th October as it is a much smaller event. I will send invites at the end of the school holidays.

Thanks again to all the sub-committees of DDLS that are doing such a good job in keeping practitioners up to date, particularly Nick Wright on the criminal front. Michael Williams is using all his technical skills taking part in zoom meetings with the Law Society and he is keen for you to read details of what the Law Society is doing for you on page 10 of this Bulletin. Chris Green has clearly found a second “career” as a journalist and I am grateful to him for his informative contributions – there is always room for other articles – please share your knowledge and experiences (and amusing anecdotes)

Julia Saunders

Take care

Julia Saunders


01283 734989