Editorial Bulletin April 2020

Julia larger image
Julia Saunders

What a difference 8 weeks makes! Last editorial I was so pleased to say that there was lots happening in DDLS and now just 8 (short??) weeks later we are in the fourth week of lockdown. I now have an 18 year old who is no longer sitting “A” Levels (guess which  one he is in the photo on page 23?) and a 14 year old that we have nicknamed the Count as he only comes out at night preferring to spend his mornings in bed and afternoons/ evenings surgically attached to his Play Station. I understand that he speaks to his school mates on the PS – I know that because I keep yelling at him about his colourful language!!

The hi-light of this edition is the Final of the Derby City Schools Debate Competition. Thank you to all who helped out with the event and particularly to E4E and the University of Derby who help me to organise it. The competition has really become a community project that DDLS can be truly proud of.

I represented DDLS at the funeral of Stephen Savage last month. All areas of the profession were well represented and the large Chapel at Markeaton Crem was packed. A fitting tribute to such a well regarded member our local legal community.

You will not be surprised to learn that the Annual Dinner has been postponed to hopefully 30th October 2020 at Pride park. If you have already reserved tickets then I will just carry the request forward. I will be in touch nearer the time, when we know the event will definitely go ahead, to check who can still attend.

Likewise the AGM will be postponed to later in the year. I will keep you updated on arrangements and timings.

Thanks to Chris Green for his contribution to the Bulletin – any other articles are gladly received.  Please share your experiences and knowledge it is really useful.

I am circulating as much information as I can to members in these strange times. Please let me have any notes/ articles etc that you want sending round. Thanks to Nick Wright for his efforts in keeping criminal lawyers up to date with developments. Oliver Maxwell has re-formed the Civil Court Users Group and has already had one meeting (remotely of course) with local judiciary. Please e-mail me if you would like to become part of this group. Fiona Apthorpe has arranged a meeting with HHJ Williscroft to enable local practitioners to be kept up to date.

I have also set up a group of local lawyers on Microsoft Teams. Please e-mail me if you would like to be added to the group. It is to enable local lawyers to share experiences, tips and advice whilst this crisis lasts. It also enables remote meetings which I have found work remarkably well.

Stay safe everyone.

Julia Saunders


01283 734989