Family Law Sub Committee


  1. Due to the Covid lockdown we have not had a meeting over the past few months but will be arranging a remote meeting hopefully before the end of October.
    1. Court Delays

The delays in the Court system appear to be getting worse. There appears to be no consistent approach by the courts as to whether or not to hear matters remotely by telephone or by Teams for example or to bring the parties in for a face to face hearing. There are reports of some face to face hearings now being listed but these have their challenges due to the limitations on the number of people who can physically be in the courtroom at any one time. There are equally virtually no real waiting facilities. The court is supposed to be moving to the new secure CV platform but we are not aware of this having been utilised locally as yet.

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Civil Law sub-committee

Civil Law sub-committee
Oliver Maxwell

“Following the success of the recent “virtual” civil users court group set up by DDLS’ Oliver Maxwell and headed by HHJ Godsmark QC, Oliver is hoping to launch a dedicated DDLS civil users sub-committee in the New Year to provide networking, training and social opportunities to civil practitioners throughout the district. Oliver is a DDLS committee member and Senior Associate at Nelsons specialising in property litigation. Whereas targeted invites will follow, should you wish to express an interest in advance please contact Julia who can add you to the list.”

Working with Litigants in Person in Family & Civil Proceedings

One Hour Live Webinar 9th November 2020 11.00am

Litigants in Person (LIPs) are appearing more frequently in Civil and Family courts.This can sometimes be a challenging experience for lawyers and the court.

Working with Litigants in Person in Family & Civil Proceedings

This live webinar will provide guidance on how to conduct a case involving an unrepresented opponent. It gives practical suggestions and help as well as setting out the rules before, during and after a court hearing. It will consider the position of the McKenzie Friend and pressure to reform the courts’ approach to their role. The impact of Covid 19 on court hearings will be addressed.

Read moreWorking with Litigants in Person in Family & Civil Proceedings

Derby & District Wills & Probate Committee

As I’m sure all Wills & Probate practitioners will agree, the last few months have been a challenge. March saw a huge demand for Wills from clients, by both those who were half-way through arranging one and those who had kept meaning to get around to it.

Initial instructions have in some cases had to be taken over the phone, by letter or by video, leading to many of us becoming experts on Teams/Skype/Zoom/Facetime/What’s App !

Read moreDerby & District Wills & Probate Committee

Geodesys offers free of charge SDLT service

Geodesys offers free of charge SDLT service as the market bounces back

As the property market resumes following the gradual lifting of lockdown measures, figures from HM Revenue and Customs have shown that property sales rose by and incredible 15.6% in August accompanied by a significant increase in house prices(1).

Geodesys offers free of charge SDLT service

Although experts are predicting that the boom is not sustainable, current sales are also being boosted by the Stamp Duty holiday introduced by the Chancellor in July.  This sees the stamp duty threshold increased to £500,000 until the end of March 2021.  Although first time buyers were already exempt from SDLT on property purchases up to £300,000, the recent additional reduction of SDLT, has been designed to stimulate the overall market and is certainly playing a role in supporting house sales.

Read moreGeodesys offers free of charge SDLT service

Is the Stamp Duty holiday leading to a “gold rush” for conveyancers?

By Craig Taylor, LEAP Director of Relationship Development

Today’s conveyancing market is experiencing unprecedented times. Lockdown, Brexit, seasonal holidays and the current cut in stamp duty are factors having a major impact, both positively and negatively, on the profession.

Following the catastrophic stall in house sales caused by the pandemic, the last couple of months have been amongst the busiest for ten years.

Read moreIs the Stamp Duty holiday leading to a “gold rush” for conveyancers?

Software swap guide: four tips to protecting your data

By Julian Bryan, Managing Director, Quill

protecting your data

The COVID-19 lockdown has forced all of us to be more reliant on technology and embrace working from home. But many legacy IT infrastructures are ill-suited or too outdated to handle all the demands of remote working. Cloud-based software is the solution, but where to start?

Read on for four important considerations before making the software switch:

Read moreSoftware swap guide: four tips to protecting your data

Press release from: Quill

New instructions surge past pre-lockdown levels

Legal activity has bounced back to 130% of pre-Covid levels, according to the latest update from Quilldex. Quill’s free analytics tool that tracks trends across the sector. It is the clearest sign yet of the buoyancy of the market since the UK emerged from lockdown.

The all-cases index shows that new instructions dipped to around 50% of January averages during April and May—but then rebounded to well above that benchmark across most areas of law in July. The data should give law firms confidence for their planning and investment over the rest of 2020 and beyond.

Read morePress release from: Quill

President’s Bulletin 29th July 2020

President’s Bulletin 29th July 2020


I hope that you are all well and keeping safe.

President’s Bulletin 29th July 2020

We seem to be edging slowly towards life returning to normal but with the working world changing to such extent it seems that working life will never quite be the same again. Many legal practitioners I know are working from home, although a few like myself have returned to the office. Video conferencing and telephone appointments are now fast becoming the new normal and, in my case, form much of my daily clientele.

Read morePresident’s Bulletin 29th July 2020

Editorial Bulletin August 2020

I am deliberately writing this the day before the A-level results are released. After years and years of hard work my 18 year old will find out the results of the exams he never sat and which are the subject of much outcry even before they go public. Seriously as if times were not hard enough! At least my period of quarantine is now over. Thank goodness for working from home and supermarket deliveries.

Editorial Bulletin August 2020

Please keep checking the website ( for updates on forthcoming events – or not as the case may be.  We still plan to run the Derby City Schools debate competition, because although it officially starts in September the debates themselves don’t take place until after Christmas. Obviously we will monitor government advice and work with the schools and the University and the event will only go ahead if it is safe to do so.

Read moreEditorial Bulletin August 2020

Expert determination – what’s new?

Chris Makin reminds us of the versatility of expert determination, and reports on some recent developments.

As a chartered accountant (FCA) who practises exclusively in legal matters – forensic accountant, expert witness, mediator, expert determiner – my experience is that expert determination (ED) is considered by litigation lawyers too infrequently.

Expert determination – what’s new?

Of course, it is common practice for company sale/purchase contracts and the like to include a dispute resolution clause (DRC), but how often would a lawyer in a contentious matter consider anything between negotiation or mediation at one end of the spectrum and arbitration or a court hearing at the other?  Litigators have a duty to keep matters proportionate, and there is always the threat of a refusal to mediate, per Halsey, when costs are considered, but other options are available.

Read moreExpert determination – what’s new?

In Memoriam: Brian and Judith Holloway

Brian and Judith Holloway

In Memoriam: Brian and Judith Holloway

For over forty years I, with others likewise, shared the privilege of partnership in Robinsons Solicitors with Brian; and friendship with Judith, his wife.

Even now we find it impossible to think of Brian, or imagine Robinsons, without also having vividly in mind warm thoughts of Judith: not only his wife but also best friend and undoubted soul mate from their first meeting  at (inevitably) Robinsons, he as Articled Clerk; she as secretary.

Read moreIn Memoriam: Brian and Judith Holloway

In Memoriam: Ian Thompson

Ian Thompson 

Ian Thompson worked at Geldards in the Dispute Resolution Team in Derby for over 10 years, he mainly dealt with complicated commercial and property related disputes. 

In Memoriam: Ian Thompson
Ian Thompson

He was well known and well respected in and around Derby by his peers. He was a very charming and sociable man, he was a great networker and organiser.  He loved and lived life to the full. He was a family man and was a very hands on father (3 children).  He had been a governor at Derby Pride Academy since 2015, as well as serving on a committee and being responsible for safeguarding at the school.  He was a very principled man. He was also an avid sport enthusiast, he loved all sports but especially Rugby and Sports Car Racing and he went to Le Mans every year. He always enjoyed the outdoors, scouting being his passion and when he left the legal profession he became a Forest School Practitioner.

Words of Wisdom


Readers of a certain generation will no doubt remember Frank Carson – the Northern Irish stand-up comedian who used to say, “It’s the way I tell ‘em!”

Chris Green

Often they way one explains something can mean the difference between a client understanding you and not. A friend from my Hull University days – a tenant farmer’s youngest son – took a degree in biochemistry and applied for a job with an agrochemicals company that involved soil testing, and then recommending what supplements/fertilisers would improve the yield in that particular field. The candidates were narrowed to two – my pal and someone with a first class honours degree from Cambridge. My pal got the job, because although the other guy was brilliant at what he did, the firm needed someone who could talk to farmers, and not just blind them with science.

Read moreWords of Wisdom

Press Release

23rd July 2020

LEAP and Yourkeys break the mould and deliver homebuilders a faster and more transparent conveyancing service

Legal practice management system provider LEAP announces a new technology partnership whereby conveyancers using LEAP software provide their services to property builders via the Yourkeys digital platform. Yourkeys helps to speed up the conveyancing process for home builders by effectively tracking sales and qualifying and onboarding buyers.

By supporting Yourkeys’ objectives of delivering greater transparency, consistency and cost-savings to home builders, the partnership with LEAP provides the home buyer access to an experienced collective of 140 accredited conveyancing firms which provide a gold standard service, efficiency through consistency of process, and improved output by fee earner and by firm thanks to the adoption of technology.

Leap Press Release

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Press Release


Legal mental health charity LawCare has appointed a new chair to its board of trustees. Andrew Caplen replaces outgoing chair Bronwen Still as of this month.

Andrew is a Solicitor, Notary Public and a former President of the Law Society of England and Wales (2014/2015), Chair of the Law Society’s Management Board (2010- 2012) and Chair of the Law Society’s Access to Justice Committee (2008 -2012). He has written and spoken widely on a range of justice and legal issues.

Law Care Press Release

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