The Beginning of Derby and District Law Society in 1886

The first Committee meeting of the then Derby Law Society took place in early 1886 – the minutes were handwritten in ink and recorded in a Minute Book manufactured for the new local law society by Francis Carter, Manufacturing Stationer, of Iron Gate Derby.

The Beginning of Derby and District Law Society in 1886
The Beginning of Derby and District Law Society in 1886

Further investigation reveals that a document from Francis Carter “letterpress and lithographic printer, stationer, bookseller, heraldic die stamper etc” is to be found in the Yale Centre for British Art USA. Fame indeed.

Read moreThe Beginning of Derby and District Law Society in 1886

Miller is pleased to provide its latest analysis of the Solicitors’ Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)market.

Here’s a snapshot of the report which you can download below:

Miller is pleased to provide its latest analysis
Miller is pleased to provide its latest analysis

Market update – what have we seen from insurers?

  • COVID-19
  • Risk specific questions
  • Market trends for SME and large law firms
  • Cyber risks – silent cyber
  • Claims trends

Read moreMiller is pleased to provide its latest analysis of the Solicitors’ Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)market.

Technology is raising standards in conveyancing

John Espley, LEAP UK CEO, explains how conveyancers are using the latest technology and the LEAP Best Practice Standard to enhance their customer service and to win new business.

Raising standards in conveyancing.
Raising standards in conveyancing.

The UK housing market remains remarkably buoyant, due to government measures such as the Stamp Duty holiday and government backed 5% deposit scheme. As with all business, more and more property transactions are being undertaken online, and the development of new technologies is a key driver in enabling conveyancing firms to deliver excellent customer service.  

Read moreTechnology is raising standards in conveyancing

Miller launches new exclusive Professional Indemnity product for freelance solicitors

Press information
11 May 2021

Miller is pleased to announce the launch of a new Professional Indemnity (PI) product designed specifically for solicitors operating on a self-employed basis.

Professional Indemnity product for freelance solicitors
Professional Indemnity product for freelance solicitors

The product was developed following reforms introduced in November 2019 by the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority (SRA), allowing individual solicitors to deliver legal services direct to the public. Solicitors looking to start operating as freelancers will require PI insurance, which Miller can now help them secure.

Ed Pickard, Head of UK Professions, commented: “This new product will enable Miller to support freelance solicitors in accessing the coverage they need to operate. Our team of solicitors’ PI insurance specialists are excited to be able to offer this to our expanding portfolio of clients, and would encourage solicitors to get in touch to learn how Miller can find them the competitively priced cover they need to protect against claims and meet the requirements of the regulator.”

Read moreMiller launches new exclusive Professional Indemnity product for freelance solicitors

Stamp Duty extension provides relief for buyers and property firms

Not only are home-buyers readily welcoming the extension of the Stamp Duty Holiday, but so too are local property businesses. X-Press Legal Services – Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire is delighted at Rishi Sunak’s recent Budget announcement, which sees the Stamp Duty Holiday extended further until the end of June.

Stamp Duty extension provides relief
Stamp Duty extension provides relief for buyers and property firms

The holiday is being extended until 30th June, but it will also be tapered off rather than ending abruptly, with individuals purchasing properties up to the value of £250,000 benefitting from the scheme until October.

Read moreStamp Duty extension provides relief for buyers and property firms

Meeting – Derby and District Law Society


Meeting - Derby and District Law Society
Meeting – Derby and District Law Society

Held on:
Monday, 11 January 2021

District Judge Davies
District Judge Parker
District Judge Gillespie
Fiona Apthorpe (Secretary: D & DLS Family Committee)
Kirpal Bidmead
Diana Copestake
Nick Herbert
Manesha Ruparel
 Julie Skill

Read moreMeeting – Derby and District Law Society

DG Legal – Introducing ourselves as a Gold Patron

We are delighted to come on board as a Gold Patron for Derbyshire Law Society. In this introductory article I wanted to tell you a little what we are hoping to contribute and who we are.

DG Legal - Introducing ourselves as a Gold Patron
David Gilmore : DG Legal – Introducing ourselves as a Gold Patron

We are a management consultancy firm helping lawyers and law firms with a variety of strategic and compliance services but more about us later.

The first lockdown did make us think about what more we could do for local law firms during what I initially thought would be a three-month crisis! We came up with the idea of preparing and presenting free practice management webinars. We gathered several leading experts and partnered with key stakeholders such as The Law Society, the SRA, the ICO and the Legal Aid Agency. What was initially thought of being a short-term project continues to this day and to date we have had over 4,000 bookings on the 25 courses we have so far delivered. Examples of topics covered include Anti-Money Laundering, Conflicts of Interest, Confidentiality, Data Security and How to Ensure your firm thrives. These webinars were recorded and are available to view at our    

Read moreDG Legal – Introducing ourselves as a Gold Patron

Saving time has never been more important

Saving time has never been more important, nor has working together.
Tim Price, Head of Business Development at DigitalMove

Saving time has never been more important
Saving time has never been more important, nor has working together.

‘Time is precious, more valuable than money’, is the old adage, though the meaning of time in a property transaction can be very different depending on your stakeholder role. 

A clients’ view of time is often based on outside factors, which, if misjudged, can lead to a great deal of frustration. I also don’t think there are many property professionals in the UK that are happy with the current process, pipeline conversion rates or time to completion. Cases can always complete sooner.

Read moreSaving time has never been more important

Bell vs Tavistock

Bell vs Tavistock: Does informed consent stand in the way of autonomy?

In a landmark court case, judges ruled that children under 16 years of age could no longer be prescribed puberty blockers unless this has been authorised by the court. The reason: under 16s are not likely to be competent enough to “understand and weigh the long-term risks and consequences of the administration of puberty blockers”[1].

Bell vs Tavistock
Neil Sullivan

The judgement did not stop there, though. It also ruled that where persons over 16 years of age are involved, “clinicians may well regard these as cases where the authorisation of the court should be sought prior to commencing the clinical treatment”. The legal challenge was brought against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust in London. One of the claimants was Keira Bell, who was prescribed puberty blockers at 16 by the Trust’s GIDS (Gender Identity Development Service) clinic, but later regretted transitioning[2].

Read moreBell vs Tavistock

Family Matters – Chris Makin

Accountants are into everything, aren’t they?  And especially when things go wrong.  In these pages you will have read (I hope) about how an accountant can act as expert in commercial litigation, act as mediator in commercial disputes, investigate fraud, trace and quantify the extent of the ill-gotten gains of the drug trafficker and much else besides.

Family Matters - Chris Makin
Family Matters – Chris Makin

But expert accountants have a valuable part to play in family disputes, too.  I have acted for many years as an expert in family matters, and my work falls into three main areas: as party expert, as shadow expert (or expert adviser), and as single joint expert (SJE).

Read moreFamily Matters – Chris Makin

The responsibility of experts in relation to their written evidence

A recent judgment from the Honourable Mr Justice Marcus Smith provides a cautionary tale for experts.

The judgment contains the following in section 13:

(h)          The last point that I make in relation to Professor Morgan’s evidence concerns less his oral evidence and more the written reports he submitted before the hearing and which he affirmed represented his expert opinion when he gave his evidence in-chief. I am afraid that Morgan 1 and Morgan 2 (Morgan 3 is a short and not particularly material report) were, in critical respects, disingenuous documents, written in a manner that seemed to me calculated, not to assist, but to mislead, the court. I am very conscious that this is the most serious criticism that one can make of an expert, and I do not make it lightly. The main points that have compelled me to this conclusion are dealt with fully in paragraphs 62 and 67 of this judgment, and I have sought to be clear throughout this judgment why I am not accepting evidence on certain points. Because the points go very much to the substance of the issue that I must determine, it is not possible to anticipate them here, save in the most general of terms. Suffice it to say, for the reasons given in these paragraphs, I am not confident that I can rely on Professor Morgan’s reports, save with a degree of caution and reserve that a judge would not normally attach to the report of an expert.

Read moreThe responsibility of experts in relation to their written evidence

Digital transformation and the evolving family law

The challenges posed by the pandemic have caused law firms to reappraise the way they work and how they integrate with their clients. One area of law particularly affected is family law. The pressures on people suddenly confined to spending more time at home together have led to divorce applications and break-ups skyrocketing across the UK.

Digital transformation evolving family law
Digital transformation and the evolving family law

John Espley, CEO of LEAP legal software, details 5 key challenges currently being faced by family law firms and advises on developments in technology that have enabled these challenges to be overcome, enabling effective working and continued provision of this valuable service.

Read moreDigital transformation and the evolving family law

Court overturns decision

Court overturns decision giving solicitors contractual entitlement to indemnity costs

A judge has struck down a clause in a law firm’s retainer that required the client to pay costs on the indemnity basis if she failed to pay her invoice in time.

Mr Recorder Cohen QC, sitting in Central London County Court, ruled that the provision contravened the principles of good faith.

Court overturns decision
Court overturns decision

South-west law firm Ashfords acted for Carmen Chevalier-Firescu on an employment law matter, proceedings which she did not consider to have been “satisfactorily conducted”, the judge noted.

Read moreCourt overturns decision

Anti-money laundering back in the spotlight

Anti-money laundering back in the spotlight for conveyancers

Recent AML audits by the SRA have once again highlighted the challenges of AML compliance for the conveyancing industry.  As we know, conveyancing is one of the highest risk areas for AML so, if your practice hasn’t yet been audited by the SRA, the chances are that it will happen at some point in the future. With that in mind, we’ve put together a quick update for conveyancers with some practical tips to help with AML compliance.

Anti-money laundering back in the spotlight
Anti-money laundering back in the spotlight

Read moreAnti-money laundering back in the spotlight

Covid-19’s impact: Practice areas by work type

Covid-19’s impact: Practice areas by work type

By Julian Bryan, Managing Director, Quill

Covid-19 impact
Julian Bryan

Showing clear signs of recovery in the sector, legal activity in September bounced back to an average of 19% more than pre-Covid levels, according to the legal matters benchmarking tool, Quilldex.

At its lowest point, Quilldex reported overall cases dipped by 36% in April 2020, but this has now rebounded to 19% in September 2020, buoyed by family law (25%), private client law (36%), conveyancing (49%) and employment law (49%). Let’s take a deeper look into these areas of rebound.

Read moreCovid-19’s impact: Practice areas by work type

Landmark Planning: A Clearer View of Future Plans

Allie Parsons, Customer Success Consultant, Landmark Information (Legal)

Landmark Planning: A Clearer View of Future Plans
Landmark Planning: A Clearer View of Future Plans

Here at Landmark Information, we have provided planning application insights and data for residential property conveyancing through for many years. I recall the now legendry Bird & Bird transaction case, in which the conclusion found that ‘Changes to the surrounding environment, brought about through development are an important factor in protecting a client’s investment pre-acquisition’.

Read moreLandmark Planning: A Clearer View of Future Plans

Martin Salt, President

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you are all well and staying safe and that the new year is being kind to you.

Martin Salt President

After nearly two years this will be my final piece as your President for our bulletin. It has been a privilege to be the President of the Derby & District Law Society for an extended period of time, although due to the COVID-19 pandemic I have not been involved with as many events as the President usually takes part in.

Read moreMartin Salt, President

Revised Anti-Money Laundering

Revised Anti-Money Laundering Professional Guidance now in Force

The SRA, acting in conjunction with all of the other legal regulatory bodies in the UK as part of the “Affinity Group”, has now published its updated professional guidance on how those affected by the Money Laundering Regulations must ensure compliance with them. Noticeably longer and more detailed than the previous guidance, the clear message is that compliance is not optional, and that ignorance of what is now required of firms will not stand in the way of regulatory, and quite possibly, criminal sanctions.

Revised Anti-Money Laundering Professional Guidance now in Force
Revised Anti-Money Laundering Professional Guidance now in Force

Read moreRevised Anti-Money Laundering

The Digital Solicitor Podcast

Legal Aid in a pandemic

A deep dive into key issues in this extraordinary of times with Richard Miller, head of the Justice Team at the Law Society. This informative podcast discusses frontline working in courts and police stations; remote hearings; means testing; payments on account; Legal Aid Review; crime contract extension and the positive effect of digitisation within legal aid firms. Link to podcast –

The Digital Solicitor Podcast