Presidents Report


Presidents Report
Martin I. Salt

I hope that you are all well and staying safe. As of June 1st 2020 the United Kingdom begins to awaken from its imposed slumber with a hope of heading back towards a state of normality. However, in these difficult times solace for many has been found in the exceptionally nice weather and the chance to spend time working in the garden and doing those extra jobs around the house that we always seem to avoid.

The housing market is beginning to kickstart, the court system (albeit with delays) is adapting to the current restrictions and home working is quickly becoming the new norm. Online video conferencing is becoming a necessity. A number of major city law firms are looking at the potential for home remote working as the way of the future although personally I would miss the buzz and formality of the traditional legal office.

On the downside it does appear that the financial ramifications are to still to come and it is hoped that the country can avoid the looming grip of a long-term recession.

Locally, the D&DLS is here to help during this difficult time. Although we have few events coming up, we are still here to keep you connected. Throughout the bulletin please take note of the numerous articles and members who are here to assist in any way they can. Our administrator Julia Saunders is our hub and is a constant source of help and information. Our committee members are also leaders in their respective fields and on the first page of this bulletin kindly note their contact details and please feel free to get in touch for any assistance you may require.

Additionally, and most importantly for you the members, the D&DLS is also changing it’s subscription fees for the coming year. There will be a “payment holiday” until November 2020. This will mean an extra six months of membership for free and you will only be asked to pay for six months from November 2020 until May 2021. As a society we greatly value our loyal membership and we are also painfully aware of the current financial situation affecting all of us and with this change we offer not only assistance but also value for money.

Finally, I also have the privilege to confirm that I will continue as the President of the D&DLS until the next AGM in May 2021 and my thanks go to our amazing committee for deciding to keep me around for a bit longer.

In the meantime, please stay in touch and by the next bulletin I am sure that we will be finally heading towards normality and the ability for all of us to say that 2020 was not a complete write-off.

We continue.

Martin I. Salt

D&DLS President